Friday, March 31, 2006

I'm back.

Notice the lack of exclamation point.

After being sick for the better part of a week, I have decided to try going to work today. I'm not back up to 100%, but close enough for utility work. I'll leave it at that.

My desk is right where I left it and my coworkers have really stepped up to plate for me in my absence. I've had other jobs where this is not the case. Where everything falls apart if I'm away for a few day. Nice.

And by the way, if you're an Anchorage resident who happens to be a Chugach Electric customer:

Please do not throw away your Chugach Electric ballots!! Please vote for Jeff Lipscomb and Jim Nordlund!! Every vote counts!! (And don't forget to sign the back of your envelope...)

Thank you!!!

And if your my friend in in the Anch. area, please repost this. My job may depend on it! Thanks!

Monday, March 27, 2006


My family and I have been Apple and Mac fans for almost 15 years. For my self, I love the Mac because of it's intuitive system, and okay, leading-edge 'coolness' factor. The company has had its ups and downs; and truth be told, we have backslid (at times) to using Windows PC's at least once. That PC shortly became a Linux machine and is still with us (currently running Ubuntu Linux). We've been back in the Macintosh fold since late 2004.

Apple usually gets bad press. Even when there is something positive to say about the company (like stock prices rising, or iPods dominating the portable music industry), the media usually has to put some kind of 'downer' disclaimer at the end. Like "Apple had a record breaking fourth quarter, but market experts believe this to be a fluke and doubt the company will be around in a year).

So it surprised me to read a CNN article on Apple's upcoming 30th B-Day that, IMHO, painted a fairly accurate picture of the company.

Bravo CNN.

Sunday, March 26, 2006


The weekend started out so well. But about mid-evening yesterday I began to feel woozy. It also felt like every meal I ate was still sloshing around in my stomach. A nauseating, full feeling that stayed with me throughout the night and into this morning. I tried to sleep. Tried to throw up - something! Ugggg! So whatever it is, it has been slowly. Oh so slowly, moving it's way through my system. Like the world's biggest Dorrito swallowed in the wrong orientation and slowly making it's leisurely way down my throat. Just substitute a full meal for the Dorrito and my GI tract for a throat and you have the idea.

And nothing seems to be of comfort. I tried going online periodically. Tried watching TV. Listening to podcasts. Whatever.

Well. In sundial-like slowness, it does seem to be getting better. Sorry to dump this on you all, but this blog is about my daily life and my life today is this.


Friday, March 24, 2006

This is worth a repost.

A frind of mine posted this on her own blog. I'm not big on reposting other people's stuff, but this is something that concerns me... well - concerns all of us.

Unfucking believable.

Alright, as if it's not enough that Walmart is Chinamart... Costco is apparently affiliated with the company that won the no bid contract in previous blog.

If any of you are members of steamlink for Coast To Coast AM, or know someone who is... get your hands on tonights show. Send me a message if you're interested, I really feel this info is important.

And to my friend - thanks. Hope you don't mind me spreading the word.


This week has been many things. Long, and wrought with the usual ups and downs. But through it all, the blossoming hope of spring. Anchorage gains sunlight at over five minutes a day this time of year. And I am here to tell you that squinting into hard sunlight during my morning commute fills a void in my soul. It's been a long dark winter.

Other signs of spring? I actually used the vent in the car today. You know? To actually get cool air blowing into the car. COOL air. Amazing. Oh, and also on my way home tonight, I saw some guy riding a motorcycle. True - the dude and his crotch-rocket looked absolutely dipped in mud! But a sure sign of spring? Yes!!

If you're reading this from a southern state, you have to picture that I have two feet of snow on my lawn yet. The trees are all sticks - void of leaves or even buds. Insects? Nada. And yes... up here we consider this spring.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

A quick update

Hi all. It's turning out to be kind of a long week for me. Monday and Tuesday were busy at work. More like Monday and Monday. lol. Yesterday chilled out quite a bit.

I still need to get off my ass and take more photos for the contest at my office. It's for a cover to our yearly safety manual and the deadline is the 31st. Last weekend was a bust due to the shitty weather. Wish me luck this weekend.

That's all for now.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Flickr Flickr Flickr

This is my photography. Come check it out!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

My weekend. Oh yeah baby...

This is a utility weekend.
Big to-do lists.
Lots of driving.
Many errands.
okay, and some stops for coffee...

So let the games begin!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Finally! Something new.

Welcome to my crossroads.

Since last October, I've been blogging elsewhere. I have now discovered blogger and have 'seen the light'. I may close down that other blog soon. But I didn't want to lose my entries and thoughts from daily life there. Now that I've copied them over - well, all the ones that matter anyway - I find myself at a crossroads. Or since you are reading this... maybe I should say WE are at a crossroads. Aside from being a rescue-op for my old posts, these 'reposts' serve to give you some backstory into who I am. But I now have the choice of continuing to post in that old venue while writing fresh material here... OR stop writing there altogether. I haven't decided yet. In an interesting twist of triviality, I have reached my 1000th blog viewing in that old place. Funny.

I don't have to decide right away, in any case.

And as always, feel free to comment or email me anytime. lol.. you may be censored, but feel free to comment anyway!


Here comes the sun. (repost from my old blog)

Here comes the sun.

Springtime in Anchorage.

By the calendar: March 21st.

In reality (greening grass, bugs, birds, flowers...): Late April/Early May.

But in my mind the beginning of spring starts when I can actually see the sun in my face before starting work at 8am.

That day was today!

Yesterday. (repost)

Actually, there's not too much to report from the early part of the week. My new diet of 'vegan+fish' is working well so far. I went home for the day at lunch on Tuesday (at my wife's request) because my daughter wasn't feeling well. That afternoon, I also went down to the courthouse to pay that speeding ticket. I discovered that I can take a defensive driving class to get the ticket torn-up and the points waived. So I'll be taking an online class for this.

And... i'm ready for the weekend.

Monday, March 13, 2006 (repost)

My weekend - short version

Fri Night - Saw Walk the Line at BearTooth. Movie was good and the food was great!

Saturday - Drove the Seward Hwy just short of Girdwood to take photos at sunrise. Got busted for speeding on the way home. Ouch.

Sunday - Went to the library and happned to run into a good frined. Later in the day, ended up taking a walk with Jul - forgot a scarf and wind was COLD. But the walk was nice.

Monday (today) - Busy day at work putting out the usual fires.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006 (repost. well, except for the editorial)

Please imagine your own enticing tagline here!

Hello my pretties. New month = new Flickr bandwidth = (care to guess?)

new Flickr photos are posted. For those of my friends HERE who are also my friends THERE, come and see them please!

[editorial note: to all of my new Blogger friends - I'm a hobbiest photographer with dreams of bigger and better things. I've got a flickr account. Most of the photos are locked to friends or fam. If you want in, just email me with your email address and I'll send-out an invite]

Monday, March 06, 2006 (repost... almost here though)

Current mood: exhausted

It was a long Monday - I thought that I got a good full night's sleep. Now I'm not so sure... Felt worn-out today. I'll bounce back.

Sunday, March 05, 2006 (repost)

It's been a few days, and I wanted to get something to you. Sooo... This weekend can be summed up with two defining points.

Our teenage daughter went to Willow with a friend's family for the weekend for a better view of the ididarod.


My wife and I made a new friend. The first, outside of workplace friends, in a long time.


I wouldn't say that my daughter's absence made for a great weekend. But, I have been playing the part of 'taxi-dad' quite a bit lately. So wifey and I had some free time for other pursuits. Friday night was Beartooth. No, we didn't stay for Walk the Line. It was crazy-busy there for that flick! We did run into my mom, who was waiting in line. We just stopped for the shrimp n lime tacos and the beer.
Saturday she and I met a friend to talk blogging over coffee. And today it was a drive down to Portage on a photo scouting trip. I've been encouraged to enter a contest, and have some ideas as to what I'd like to shoot. Today's weather there sucked - hard. But I still used the time to explore my options and take a few test shots. Research, baby. Yeah.

Now the weekend is almost over, I'm left feeling a bit tired and very satisfied. So let Monday come ... I'm ready.

Thursday, March 02, 2006 (repost)

I haven't blogged for a couple (few?) days, which is unlike me. It's been an up and down week some of which was to do with me and some with external factors - I'm not going into either now.

But I did pop in to say that my friends have been an ever constant blessing. Can I say blessing if I'm not particularly religious? Sure - fuck it. You guys are a blessing.

And my wife is a sweetie. I have two examples. First, those of you who know my interest in hobbyist photography have heard me piss and moan about the loss of my trusty digi in December (my fault, yeah yeah). I've been making do without, all the while dreaming of stepping up to a DSLR. The money's not there for that yet. BUT... she did get a bit of money as a reimbursement for her portion of some funeral costs for her mom that she and most of her other sisters had chipped in on. It didn't come to much cost each, but with her reimbursement she replaced her dead external HD and... bought me a new digi! Not the DSLR, but a nice point n shoot which, even with the bigger cam, would have it's uses as an 'always at hand' cam. I've been learning it's quirks this week and pestering some of you with un-asked for photo-emails. Sorry and thanks for putting up with my shit. The 2nd bit of sweetness from her was this... and by the way, this story will stick with me long after the digi has gone to whatever heaven awaits consumer electronics. So anyway. We've been whittling down a bag of Oreos this week (YES, that's what we do in AK in the wintertime - we EAT). So, Tuesday night we are down to four Oreos. We're in the kitchen and split them 2 each and go our separate ways. I unscrew my two. Eat the 'cream' half first and the plain 2nd. Go back to my living room chair and my laptop. Think nothing else of it. I'm I.M'ing along and Jul sidles up with a hand behind her back and a grin on her face. The hand comes out and she offers me THE LAST OREO COOKIE IN THE HOUSE. Wow. I love that woman.

So to review:
• half shitty week
• the best friends in the world
• new digi to get me by for now
• being offered the last oreo. true love in the 21st century.

Bye for now.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 (repost)

i am jen

Well, no. I am 'Adrift', actually. iamjen is my latest musical discovery. Jen simply rocks - go check her out.

Monday, February 27, 2006 (repost)

Google's great, isn't it? We live in an age when any fact is at or fingertips. But man, what a convo killer Google can be!

So you're talking online with a friend about the topic de jour. They talk. You talk. They bring up a point. You counterpoint. You want to know more about some detail your friend brings ... BUT ... but think to yourself that your question is something learnable with 9 seconds on Google and therefore hesitate to ask. You think, "I'll look like an idiot if I ask this... I should know. I CAN know." The conversation starts listing like an unbalanced ship... tipping, sinking,... fuck! sunk!!

Well my friends, I've got the perfect answer. Brought to you from the makers of such fine acronyms as LOL and its sequel ROTGL. From TTFN and TTYL. I present to you ... ready? ...


(too lazy to Google)

By using 2L2G, you are jokingly saying that, sure, you could just google the answer; but you're just too friggin lazy, so just go on and tell me. But what 2L2G is really conveying is: You're very important to me and I love talking to you. Sure I could look this up, but it's not about that. It's about the people connection. About friendship. Do I have the information world at my fingertips? Sure! Absolutely. But 'please.... go on...'

I'm telling you guys. 2L2G. Use it.

Sunday, February 26, 2006 (repost)

Update on yesterday

First off, I realized that the possibility of my HD crapping out on me was really upsetting for two main reasons. First, my Powerbook has become more of a communications tool to me than anything else. Second? I just wiped and re-did a clean system install a week-and-a-half ago. It took me all day to get everything just right. I am not looking forward to repeating the process if Apple replaces my HD with an empty new one.

It seems that if things go for the worst, there are several options. The cheapest is to back my shit up onto my external HD, send the 'book back to Apple and let them do their thing. Then either hand-reinstall everything again [shudder], or find a way to do an iso image onto the external and clone that image back onto the new drive. A common process in the Windows world - not sure how doable it is for me. And yes, I still love my Mac and it's operating environment. HD's can die on any brand of 'puter.

Another option still would be to preemptively upgrade my HD. Sixty gigs seemed like a lot for a laptop 18 months ago - funny! I could have a 5400 rpm 120 gb thrown in by a 3rd party company. They advertise 24hr turnaround and have a package price including the new HD, shipping both ways, labor, and data transfer from the old drive (bonus!!) for a bit over three hundred bucks. Which, BTW, I do not have (read more credit card debt).

So for now, the Apple tech support guy gave me some advice. Check the HD's status daily through built-in diagnostics. If I get a dreaded error message - call for warranty pickup. In the mean time, try not to move the laptop much while it's running. And do backups at least weekly.

I hate having this hang over my head. I do draw comfort that shit like this seems to be the biggest worry in my little life. (this being aside from my current concern over problems with various friends and family members...)



Since this blog entry is entitled 'update on yesterday,' I might as well fill you in on the rest. My wife is also having HD problems. But with her external backup drive. We've had this particular Maxtor 120 for a few years, and it definitely now has a squealing noise that says 'bearings are going!' Again, any drive can fail. But if I were to bet on the cause of the problem, the best guess would be the generic CompUSA enclosure it's been living in for the most recent half of it's life. This case is a tight fit and has no fan. Instead it's supposed to rely on it's aluminum sides' ability to dissipate heat. Right! And it's doing a great fucking job.

So yesterday went like this. We woke up and had coffee. Listened to some teen drama - always fun, first thing in the day. Next played taxi service for said teen. And then spend the rest of the day driving with Jul in zero/zero visibility through a blizzard. Hopping from one big-box store to another with a few smaller stops between for coffee and food. Then more 'dad's taxi service' and a bit more drama.

And in a nice end to the story. Jul must have gotten sick of my whining about my lost digital camera. She made an impulse buy at Costco and gave me a nice quality PHD (push here, dummy) digi to tide me over until I can save for the DSLR. Truth is that I also wanted a pocket point and shoot even when I get the SLR. This little jem is weatherproof too! Many photos to follow...

Oh! And if you're not drooling with boredom yet, there's one more thing! In my catastrophe planning about the laptop drive, I learned that Apple's online subscription service, .Mac (read as dot-mac), comes with a backup program that can either do routine backups to CD/DVDs, and external HD, or my own online storage space provided by .Mac. So I signed up for a free 60 day trial yesterday and am checking it out. So far, pretty cool - but yikes! - a hundred bucks a year for the service. As luck would have it, my trial period ends on my birthday. Hmmmm.

Saturday, February 25, 2006 (repost)

A strange hum.

This morning my Powerbook has a faint new hum eminating from the hard drive.

The hum seems to change in pitch when I move the laptop. This can't be good.

If this particular myspace friend goes away for a few days, you'll know why.

I do have Applecare (extended warrenty), so things could be worse.

I'll keep you infor

Everything I needed to know in life I learned in man-whore school

Wednesday, February 22, 2006 (repost)

Ha! Gotcha with that subject, didn't I!

Okay, I just watched Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo. this is what I learned...

• The Sneaky Castro
• The EXTRA Sneaky Castro
• The Chilli Rainbow
• A Mud Pretzel [shudder]
• An Irish Facial (say it with me now.... 'Ewwwwww)
• The Filthy Ramirez
• The Filthy Lopez (hmm. what's the dif?)
• The Cambodian Creamsickle (I don't want to know - really, I don't)
• A Turkish Snowcone ... hmm. how bad could that be?...
• A Belgian Steamer (okay, I'm just lost now)
• The Portugese Breakfast. They showed that one in the movie. It involved what looked like uncooked whisked eggs. Huh.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 18:32 (repost)

The time has come...

(no I'm not going to launch into Midnight Oil lyrics!)

I think there's a light at the end of the tunnel of Alaskan winter darkness. Today marks the first day this year that I have worn my sunglasses all the way home on the commute - and needed them! How fucking cool is that?!! The sky is also lit with pre-dawn blueish light at 7:30am on the other end of my commute. And all I can say is Ahhhhhhhh ... it feels soooo good. Sunlight!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 05:59 (repost)

What I want to be when I grow up.

Yeah, I know I know. I'm thirty friggin nine and should be all growed up already!

But aside from my love of aviation and flying, I've never had a passion for a particular career. I dabbled in art and architecture when I was young but never ended up pursuing it outside of HS.

But photography has been with me all through. Particularly landscape and wilderness.

So last night I was chatting with an old friend who's taken a job overseas to teach (middle school English), and he was telling me that he's been buying art photo prints from this guy in CA. Then links me the website. And now I can say that if I ever were to pursue a career in fine art photography, this guy is who I want to grow up to be. Stunning work! ... and a bit discouraging for me to look at, I must admit.


Monday, February 20, 2006 (repost)

President's Day

Happy Presiden't Day y'all. It's just another work day for me.

No MLKJ day off
No Alaska day off
No President's day off


I do get double days-off for:
Turkey day
and New Years...

so that's not such a bad trade-off. All three of those holidays were eash a four day weekend. So you can keep President's Day, I guess. :)

Friday, February 17, 2006

Anchorage's Fur Rendezvous kicks off tonight!
Shhh. Don't tell anyone, but it's a Friday afternoon at work and I'm bored. Soooo. Here's a new blog. Lucky you. ;)


Once again folks, it's time for Rondy. For those friends outside of AK, Fur Rondy is an annual winter festival in town that dates back to the fur-trade almost a century ago. These days it translates to a festival of fireworks, a parade, art and craft fairs, snow sculpture, snowshoe softball and ice bowling, native blanket-toss contests, dog races, model railroad shows, and yes, even a fur auction.

Back when I lived in Anchorage in the 80's, I was never able to get off work to see this stuff. Deprived! But since moving back here five years ago, I've been able to take-in most of these events. The routine doesn't seem to change much from year-to-year, so last year I wasn't too active. If nothing else, I'll manage to see the sculptures each year. At least those change. I've also picked up a pewter pin for each year since we've been back to AK. This year's design is a salmon. Booyah.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006 (repost)

Taking another sick day today.

As a few of you know, I'm a shut-in for the day today (again). Same prob. as last week basically. So... I made myself a list of low-impact activities to keep me busy like:

•Catch-up on Podcasts. (haven't started this one yet)

•Re-rate my iTunes song collection and add song lyrics to files (did a lot of this today... my star-ratings went bye bye when I had upgraded my system and reinstalled itines).

•Weed out my iTunes collection. As in getting rid of stuff that I rarely listen to. (not done . I'm waiting until I can see all my 'one star' songs)

•Pay online bills. (mostly done)

•Read Digital photog how-to book. (also haven't done this yet today, but I did grab the book and that's somthing!)

•Chat w/Josh. (nope)

•Clear out company email In Box (waiting until the end of the business day for this)

•Chat with myspace buddies (yep. lotsa)

So to recap. While I've been home sick today, I've basically listened to music, surfed, and slept. Puntuated with intermittant myspace emailing. :)

Sunday, February 12, 2006 (repost)

Addendum to yesterday's post...

Mrs Adrift and I did some errands this afternoon, and decided to treat ourselves to coffee/tea at KBC (Title Wave location).

Yesterday, when we were at the new Kaladi at the PAC, the clerk made a point of saying that at this location, wireless internet is free. You just need the user id/password. It struck me as strange, because for the past few months all the Kaladi’s have had free wireless. Even the last holdout at Tudor Square.

So today we’re at the Title Wave location. First thing I notice is that the old iMac’s used as internet stations are gone. Replaced by spanky-new PC’s (I’m a Mac person… don’t get me started). So. I order drinks. Open up the laptop and join that KBC’s network. Open a browser and … nothing! No internet. I ask the barista if they’re charging again? Nope. I then ask if maybe I need a password? No again. Hmm. From past experience I know that they don’t always keep the worker-bees up to date on changes around there. So either KBC is actually charging now, or maybe their wireless base station had somehow lost the connection to the DSL modem. I don’t think the DSL itself was out because four people were happily surfing along at the internet stations (PCs. Ugh…).

I did forget to mention something else last night. Another free wifi spot in town. Hot Licks ice cream store right next to KBC Title Wave. Sooooo. I just joined that network from within Kaladi. I asked two other laptop users about the KBC connection. They both told me in hushed voices that they too were mooching off of Hot Licks.

Now I’m back home …. Sweet home, where the chair is comfy, the coffee is free, and the wireless internet is insanely fast. [sigh] ?

Saturday, February 11, 2006 (repost)

I love watching my blog count table. You guys are great and it seems that I have many more readers and I do 'subscribed' readers, or for that matter, page views. And that's fine with me. Some of my friends right some EXCELLENT blogs as well - and that has, in a couple cases, been why I friend requested them in the first place.

It occurred to me that there's a fun drinking game buried in all this. Take tonight for example. I have not posted anything all day and my reads are at zero. I know from experience that the counts start ticking soon after I post something new. So the drinking game idea is simply this... post a new blog. When the view count goes up by one, take a shot! Hmm. I might be on to something here. Although a couple of you friends shouldn't try this. You write so well that your view count is likely to put you into an alcohol induced coma if you try this. I think I'd be safe though.

And so as not to leave you empty handed with today's blog entry, I will leave you with a review, or list anyway, of places in Anchorage to get free wi-fi internet. My first choice is Kaladi Bros Coffee. They used to charge $4/day for wireless net access but the last stores seem to have caved and gone 'free.' Of these, my ..1 Fav is the KBC at Title Wave - that crew friggin rocks! Besides... it's on the route of my AM work commute. Second to that would be KBC Tudor Square (by O'Brady's on Tudor/Muldoon). This one's close to home. I've also tried the Southside loc. on Old Seward btw. Dimond and O'Malley. And today I tried the new location at the PAC. Nice atmosphere. The wi-fi is free in all these locations, but the new downtown requires a user name and password which they give you at the counter. Okay... next up on the free internet is Aurora Coffee at Loussac Library. The owner's name is Jason, and he does a great job. Tell him Steve sent you. The library itself also has free wireless sponsored by the non-profit Friends of the Library. The range is limited to the lobby and areas of the 3rd floor close to the main staircase. Next: Cafe Felix in the Metro Music. Check out the local featured artwork. They also have live music on some evenings. If you want wi-fi with food and like to eat healthy: Organic Oasis has free wireless. They also have live music in the evenings, but I think there's a cover. Oh! Aurora in Loussac also has some food. Soups, sandwiches, chips, cookies, etc. I think that BK and Carl's Jr may also do free wireless, but I rarely do BK and never Carl’s; so can't confirm.

February 10th 1998 (repost)

2/10/98 3am. I am having a vivid dream.

The phone rings - I awake groggily. It's my little sister two thousand miles to the east. My dad has died suddenly of causes unknown. He was 50.

It's been eight years now, Dad, and I still miss you. I still remember your face.

Thursday, February 09, 2006 (repost)

Home Sick *(not 'homesick' though)

Hi guys. It wouln't feel like a complete day if I didn't put up a daily blog entry. Well. I went to work this morning, even though I was feeling like maybe I should have called in sick. I lasted about two hours - got some work knocked out - and told the boss that I'm heading home for the day.

I spend the rest of my day cleaning up my Mac's hard-drive and doing some upgrades (low stress activity - right!). I'm going to give work another shot in the AM unless I feel real bad. After that - the weekend!!

Hope everyone had a good one. Maybe I'll feel more talkative tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006 (repost)


I don't blog much about work, so this is an exception today.

It seems that once or twice per year I have to get a customer on the phone who really gets under my skin. Looks like I should be safe until summer, because I was on with this guy for an hour. Usually the type of call that 'gets to me' is the really abrasive customer. This guy wasn't that at all. He just has dozens of locations billing with us and they are all auto-charged to his credit card. He was confused about his CC billing and wanted to go over all of the accounts with a fine comb. Add to this, that he is an older asian man who is really struggling with his english. I'm a very patient person, but this guy was starting to wear me down after about the 40 minutes straight. Question after question after question... with no end seemingly in sight. We do send him bills for all his meters... I wonder what he does with those? They had all the info that he was asking me for.

Deep cleansing breath. . . [sigh]. Okay. I'm better. Ready for the next customer.

Monday, February 06, 2006 (repost)

Screw You!

Did all of my Anchorage friends make it to work in one piece today? Holy shit was it bad this morning on the commute. Raining out on top of smooth wet ice. White knuckle driving all the way. Lunch was much better. Sandy slush on the main roads, but no change on the side roads from 7am.

And for footwear? I've got a tip for you. I read about this on ADN a couple of years ago. A tip by Anchorage runners who run outdoors all year-round. They had the idea of screwing, well screws into the bottoms of their running shoes. They experimented with different sizes and types until they found the perfect screw. It's a 3/8"x6 Tapping Screw. Usually sold out around town due to the runners and general public that read that article. Best bet is AIH on Old Seward near Tudor. These screws are short so won't reach your foot. The pointy side goes up into the shoe - slotted side is what grips the ice. And the slotted head of this screw has a wicked little edge that really does the trick. I've found that it's easiest to put them in with a cordless drill with a screwdriver bit. Using a hand screwdriver against the mushy rubber takes forever. I probably shoot a couple dozen under each shoe. This works so well on wet ice that you could play basketball. The screws do wear down after a couple of seasons so replace as needed. A box of 100 is like three bucks. Only things you have to be careful about is that these shoes will ruin linoleum and hardwood floors! Also, be careful walking on ceramic tile or concrete, because (ironically) the shoes are slippery on these surfaces.

So if I saved one of you from breaking your butt on the ice - great!

Sunday, February 05, 2006 20:33 (repost)

And the rest of my day went like this...

After posting the rant about the Big Game, I hit the road. Mailed my taxes. Stopped for coffee at KBC and ran into one of Anchorage's three podcasters. Had my coffee and surfed. Decided to drive someplace with a higher anti-Superbowl ratio - Girdwood. It was whiteout conditions the whole way there with blowing snow. Was God trying to tell me something? Naaaah. Stopped at the Bake Shop for soup n' roll. Saw a buddy from work there (small world). Drove back through the whiteout to Los Anchorage and went to the Library. Finished posting the book review that I was writing. Then Freddies, home, and myspace whor... er, surfing. :) So all in all a good day!

Sunday, February 05, 2006 07:39 (repost)

Ghost Town. Anchorage is a ghost town.
(read this post to 'Ghost Town' by The Specials)

Welcome to Super bowl Sunday people.

Now watch in wonder as I alienate 98.6% of you in one sentence! Ready?

I don't watch football, or any major professional sports, and won't be watching the Super bowl. Ghasps!

[tumbleweed blows by on my myspace page as everyone has cleared out]

Everyone at work that I know will be watching it. My mom will, I am sure. But I just have no interest in football, baseball, basketball. Okay, I kind of like hockey, but not to the point where I could hold up my end of the convo without majorly turning up the gain on the bullshit transmitter.

So another Super bowl Sunday in Anchorage. No traffic on the roads. No lines in the stores. If I pass by a male clerk, I will grunt as if in general dissatisfaction; as though I am as wounded as he, to not be in front of a TV tube right then. (think Invasion of the body snatchers here people). The super bowl viewers are like the pod-people and I�m Donald Sutherland. I must be veeery careful - for they can sniff me out. And if they do? SCREEEEEEEEEEEEECHHHHHHH!! (don't forget the pointing. the finger pointing...). So, in the words of Obi Wan, "We must be cautious..."

And for the two of you who are still my myspace buddies after this blog, Love ya!

PS - In what is perhaps an admission of hypocrisy, I do play the football pool at work. But the pool has little to do with football and much to do with being part of a different team altogether. Besides, I won't know it till they shove cash in my hands, but I may win!

Hate mail can be sent to P.O. Box...

Thursday, February 02, 2006 10:26 (repost)

My commute

The plan: Drive from work to Freddies and T.Bell. Then home for the night.

The reality:

I high-centered the car when I was cutting through my own neighborhood on the way to Freddies. It seems that Muldoon was gridlocked for some reason. Turned off of N. Lights onto side street too fast. Grabbed the little shovel in the trunk and dug out around the wheels. Tried to drive out. No good. Tried to push it out myself. Made a bit of progress - but still no good. This 10 year old boy asked me if I needed help. Two of us rocking the car now. Almost almost. This woman gets out of her SUV and adds to our efforts. Car is free! I thank them and am on my way. Pants soaked. Hands smell like road grime.

Home. Washup. Change. Back to Freddies.

Times like this make me proud of Anchorage. I didn't ask for anyone's help and two stepped forward within a couple of minutes of getting stuck.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006 (repost)

Keens (revisited)

Today it feels like I am slowly winning the battle of wills between me and my shoes. I am winning. I think the trick to breaking them in is to give my feet a break from time-to-time. Not wearing my Keens on the weekends for example.

I'm sure you're all dying to know how this turns out - and I know these shoes are a topic dear to my heart *(sarcasm). So I'll keep you posted!

Saturday, January 28, 2006 (repost)

North Country

My wife and I saw North Country at Beartooth last night. Although I wouldn't recommend it as a movie for a romantic date or to bring young kids, it is a truly an excellent film. In a nutshell, it's a real-life inspired story about a battered wife taking her kids and leaving to head back to her home town in northern MN. She's looking for work and the best prospect is the local mine.

The rest of the movie is a torturous journey through a life of sexual abuse and her current workplace plight with extreme hostility towards female mine workers. It was hard to fight back tears at times, and I was left with a general feeling of shame on behalf of my gender.

But still, this is a must see.

Sunday, January 22, 2006 09:39 (repost)

I've spent my Sunday morning writing a couple reviews. I will assume that you guys have little interest in hearing about the latest computer book on the topic of Apple PowerBooks; but everybody loves headphones, right? So I thought I'd CC you guys on this one...

Hardware: Griffin EarThumps
Product link:
Manufacturer: Griffin Technology
Phone: 615-399-7000
Price: 19.99
Pros: A good compromise in sound quality. Excellent low profile. Good build quality.
Cons: Weak base response. Good, but not perfect in-ear comfort.
Rating: 4.5

Throw your Apple ear buds in a box. You'll want to use these instead!

Let me start this review by stating that I am a headphone and ear bud junkie. I currently own at least five pairs. So when I had the opportunity to review the Griffin EarThumps, I leapt at the chance.

For those who do not know the difference, 'headphones' refer to over-the-ear units with a connecting bonnet of some kind. They fall to two sub-categories open and closed air. Then there are ear buds, or 'earbuds' if you prefer. These are the hearing-aid style headphones that get inserted into the ear or, in some cases, ear canal. For the audiophile on the go, buds are the ticket. They're small, consume little power and can deliver astounding audio quality. Many have the added benefit of blocking out external noise allowing for music to be enjoyed at a lower volume.

Headphone and ear bud design is an exercise in compromise. In the lower price range, even more so. When shopping for ear buds, expect to find prices ranging from below $10.00 to over $200.00. As you climb the scale, audio quality and comfort go up, distortion goes down, and the range of sound from low bass to high treble gets wider. In cheaper units, you will usually find units with good base at the expense of high-end frequency response; the exact opposite (good high/poor base); or a mid frequency compromise that doesn't do justice to either. So. Enter the Griffin EarThumps at a retail price of $19.99. I did not expect too much and was extremely surprised by what I've found.

First the basics. What is in the box? A pair of ear buds offered in either white or black. Matching the current iPod, and iPod nano models. A very high quality zippered fabric case (more on that later), and interchangeable soft-rubber tips in three sizes - you know, the part that actually gets inserted into your ear. The EarThumps connect via the ubiquitous 3.5mm stereo plug and will work with any audio playing gear using a standard headphone jack.

Next up is the build quality. Wow. The fit and finish and attention to detail is amazing at this price point. Griffin provides a product that looks like it should have a three digit dollar figure. The supplied case seems to be some kind of Cordura. Unzip and it opens like a book. Each half equipped with a little elastic mesh pocket. The left side also sports it's own zippered sub-pocket to store the extra ear-tips. To use the case, place an ear bud in each mesh pocket. Allow the cord to dangle free. Zip the case shut three-quarters shut, twirl the headphone cord around two fingers and stuff the resulting spool into the case. Zip shut. I also own a set of Griffin EarJams, which are an add-on accessory to the stock Apple ear buds. The EarJams come with the exact same case. So I've had time to develop my technique.

When setting up the EarThumps for use, try them with the middle size tips, If too tight or loose, pull off the tip and snap on a different size. By the way, there is no rule that says they must be symmetrical. You can have a medium tip on the left and a large on the right. Ideally, the buds should fit well enough not to fall out, and you should forget that they are in. Some of the high-end bud manufacturers advise wetting the ear buds before inserting. They also recommend tugging your ear up and back as you insert the bud. When you let-go of your ear, the fit on the bud gets tighter. With the EarThumps, mercifully, no wetting is needed. And usually no tugging either, unless you just can't get the bud to stay in your ear regardless of the size tip used.

WARNING: TURN YOUR IPOD VOLUME DOWN BEFORE HITTING PLAY. If your volume is high, these ear buds will feel like you��������re resting your head on a state monitor at a concert.

On to audio quality. The EarThumps have superb high-end frequency response. Very low distortion and so-so base response (definitely good enough to get by). They are so crisp that I find myself re-discovering my old music collection - hearing nuances that I never knew were there. Compare these to the standard issue Apple ear buds and you will find cleaner high-end sound and comparable, maybe slightly lower base.

Comfort. I have not shelled out the big money for some truly elitist ear buds, so cannot speak to their comfort. But within my budget, I have never found ear buds that are 100
otally comfortable. The EarThumps come close. Also, living in Alaska usually means having to wear a hat from time-to-time. The Griffin EarThumps are the first ear buds, or headphones of any type, that I have been able to wear with a winter hat pulled over my ears. Every other model of buds seem to get knocked out of the ear after a few minutes under a hat. The EarThumps have a very low profile and the hat just doesn't have much contact with them.

In conclusion, Griffin could have prices the EarThumps at twice the price and I strongly believe that the consumer would be getting their money's worth at that! At under twenty dollars U.S., they are quite a gem of a bargain. If I were Sony or even Etymotic, I would be worried about now. I've been using the EarThumps for the past 10 days now. They have climbed the ranks to become my favorite all-around ear bud.

Sunday, January 22, 2006 (repost)

Tracking Milage

This blog goes out to my friends who also happen to be Geocachers. Have I been out of the game too long? I know what good old "TNLNSL" means. What is with 'Tracking Mileage'? Is that another way of saying the same thing. I used to get messages like, "Love the location", or "I never would have come here were it not for the cache". Or "Nice container, it took me an hour to find it". Now just the 'Tracking Mileage'? What's this?? Um. Too-lazy-to-comment 'caching? All I can say is; strange times man. Strange times

Hmm. Maybe I'll use it on myspace in lieu of, you know, an actual message to someone. I will just send 'Tracking Milage'. Nice.

Thursday, January 19, 2006 06:54 (repost)


I've been entering in this thing every day for the past few weeks. The Nikon D50 has closed... so wish me luck. Now Popular Photography is giving away a Rebel. Why don't you guys try too. Not for me, but for yourselves. My theory is that these are review units given to the magazine.

Thursday, January 19, 2006 06:38 (repost)

Keen's or Clark's. Decisions decisions.

Trying to decide about wearing Clark's or Keen's today. I think the Keen shoes aren't quite broken in. I've been wearing them every day since the holidays; and in A meeting yesterday my heels were screaming at me. I had to kick my shoes off for a bit and massage my socked-feet on the carpet under the desk for a few. All the while hoping that my feet didn't stink. Good stuff, dear reader. Gooood stuff. Prob is that the Keens are so damn wide and the Clark's are 'merely' wide... not sure I will re-adjust. I also gave the Keen's a break on the groc run last night. Wore my old ratty Teva's. They felt like moccasins with no support, but comfortably worn-in. I think that if I start using the Clark's on the weekdays and the Keens on my time, that everything will work out. I can remember a couple of pairs of shoes or boots that took awhile to break in, but are now my feet's old frineds. Hmmm.

Repost from some email I got...

The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.

As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English".

In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c". Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy.

The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.

In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.

Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling.

Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.

By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v".

During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensibl riten styl.

Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.

Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.

If zis mad you smil, pleas pas on to oza pepl.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 (repost)

The other day I was picking up Mooses Tooth take-out after work. If you've been there, you know how the parking is. It only took me two orbits of the parking lot to find a spot. As I was walking to the door, I saw a huge pickup pull into one-and-a-half parking spaces. Handicap spots. The young woman who got out didn't look particularly handicapped herself, but you can't jump to conclusions... maybe she was picking up grandma or something. This thought doesn't occur to me at the time though. I'm just thinking what an asshole she is, but don't have the spine to tell her.

I think that I must be programmed since birth to hold doors for women. As I am lost in thought about what an ass 'Ms. I Can't Park 50' Away' is, I witness (to my horror) that I am currently holding the door for her. She enters and heads for the takeout counter. There is no grandma. I pay for my order and leave. As I pass her truck in the brisk night air, I see an elderly group exiting their car. It's parked in what's left of the neighboring handicapped spot. The thought flashes to tell them about the tall-ish 20-something with long light brown straight hair. I say nothing and keep walking.

I suck.

Monday, January 16, 2006 (repost)

I am convinced that my cell phone is plotting to leave me.

The signs are all there. I fear that my cell phone doesn't love me anymore and is going to leave me.

I have caught it trying to give me the slip at least three times in the past month. Apparently it believes the best chance for a clean getaway is to jump off of my belt just as I am getting out of my car. Then, if it keeps real quiet... I may not notice, and simply drive away. Slipping between the cushions at the movie theater is a close second.

It's true that my phone and I don't always see eye-to-eye. And it did try to leave my once last winter (one year ago) in Russian Jack park while geocaching in the snow. Although in hindsight, that may have been a suicide attempt on it's part. I found it after several hours, buried to it's antenna in a snow bank. All but dead. Incrusted in ice crystals...

I know it probably harbors some ill feelings toward me. And I know that I have said some things to it that, after having cooled off, may have been out of line. But I still think it's a cheap superficial plastic piece of SHIT that!.... no... no, I will not go down that path again. Deep breath. [whew]...

I may be partially to blame, those sexy Moto razor phones. Mmmm. Razor phone

Sunday, January 15, 2006 20:43 (repost)

Props to my friend Emily for this:

"Suck the fucking marrow out of life"
That quote is a keeper!

Sunday, January 15, 2006 12:08 (repost)

One of my listed interests is Podcasting, and I've been getting asked what exactly Podcasting is...

So. Podcasting.

Podcasts are kind of like pre-recorded radio shows that you download from the internet and load onto an MP3 player ('podcast' = pod, as in iPod, and 'cast' as in broadcast).

So as a listener, you use a program called an aggregator or 'pod-catcher' to browse through a catalog of shows by subject. You subscribe to ones of interest. After that, when a new show comes out, your aggregator automatically downloads the newest show. When you plug in your iPod, it automatically gets dumped into it. (old shows are deleted automatically as well). Then you just play the file like you're listening to an MP3 song.

Now here's where it differs from 'real' radio. Radio has to answer to the FCC. No bad language. No risqué topics, etc. Podcasts do not. Many podcasts are done by regular everyday people. These are called 'indie' podcasts - my personal favorite. There are also podcasts done by big corporations, and broadcast companies. Some of them are okay, but many are just the same old stuff you can find on TV or radio, re-formatted as a podcast.

Podcasting has been around for about a year and a half. It has it's own 'stars'. See some of my myspace friends for examples. These guys are the podcast equivalent of music or film superstars. My friends list is by no means a complete who's who of podcasting. Just some that I listen to, like, and occasionally email chat with. At present, there are somewhere near 12,000 podcast shows to choose from. There are three in Anchorage. I've met two of them in person.

So if you want to try it, get a free copy of iTunes from the Apple website. It's available for Windows or Mac. I can talk you through how to browse the podcasts. If you own an iPod, you can download the shows to it. If not, you can listen to the podcasts on your computer right from iTunes.


Friday, January 12, 2007 (prepost)

Take One.

011207 842am AKT

Okay. I'm officially scared now. I got a call from a cousin back home in Wisconsin that her husband just died from the H5N1 human-to-human variant, dubbed by someone as "Captain Tripps" after the King novel. Not fucking funny. The media is being quiet. Europe has already been ravaged. Air travel has all but shut down, so I don't know what they think they're hiding from us! I'm going to have to make some choices soon. We're pretty isolated in AK, I don't know. This may be it people.

Click* [shuffle]

Take Two

011207 842am AKT

Well, New Years is over and it's been an amazing 06! The day job is about the same (no comment), but my show has really taken off! I don't know how long it'll take the podcast audience to put two-and-two together and realize that SomewhereinAK is really 'you know who'. Lol.

Click* [shuffle]

Take Three

011207 842am AKT

Hey guys. Another year, right. I had set out with such high goals a year ago! The holidays are over and I'm feeling sorry for myself. My close myspace friends have been with me for over a year now, and know me well. But, Things could be worse right? The DSLR served my well this past year. I might start buying lenses now. Also, I got the new iPod wifi for Xmas. Score! (remember when the video ipod was cool? right.) Here's to a prosperous '07 guys. Love ya!


Saturday, January 07, 2006 (repost)

Burning bridges.

A friend had said something to me recently, and I wanted to reply with an apropriate quote having to do with burning bridges. I racked my brain all day, unable to remember it.

Turns out that the quote didn't quite fit, so it's no big loss.

"I'll burn that bridge when I get to it"

However, my boss had a better one, and that one WOULD have fit.

"Some bridges need burning"


Friday, January 06, 2006 (repost)

My wide feet.

Okay everybody, here's another tidbit about me. I have wide feet. Furthermore, the problem is worsening as I get older. And I seem to be less-and-less tolerant of uncomfortable shoes.

So on my own time, this means shoes like Airwalks, Teva's and the like. At work, my shoe of choice for the last decade has been Clarks.

Clark is an English shoe company and my first pair in the 1990's were, in fact, made in England. They were ugly and felt like heaven on my feet from the moment I slipped them on. If used as my main shoes for work, they will last years before the rubber sole even shoes signs of wear.

Pair two purchased just before Y2K. Now made in Belgium. Okay, it's not England, but so what! They changed-up the outsole but otherwise it was basically the same shoe. Comfort level - the same. They lasted until this fall.

Pair three. Now made in China. This is for the same price, mind you. The leather looks like the same full-grain stuff. Sole is the same as the last pair. The welting? Is that the right word? Stitching along the side... seems to take up more room now. Hmm. Leaving less room for the part where my foot goes, it seems. Not good. I try the usual size at the shoe store. Too tight. I order a pair in that side in wide. Takes a month to get here. And the fit? Mmm? Not the same. Still a bit tight, but close.

This was November. Now FFWD to Xmas. Mom, bless her, gets me a pair of goofy clown-shoe looking things by Keen. They look like a caricature of Converse All-Stars. Black leather with black rubber toe cap. Bright white stitching. I LOVE THEM. The heels are narrow-ish and the front is kind of bulbous - and they feel great.

So a couple of you have gotten bitch emails from me today, moping about my attitude and my day. Was in a crappy mood this AM at work. Thought it might be due to sleep, or lack of. Or one or two other issues. But - even though the Keen's aren't exactly business ware, I've been using them exclusively since Xmas. Today I wore the Clarks. The tight Clarks. Hmm. Tight shoes = bad attitude.

Monday, January 02, 2006 (repost)

A utility day.

If you're reading this, congrats! You survived another holiday.

I started the new year by falling on my ass while carrying a basket of laundry down the stairs. I think my crispy dry skinned feet on carpet had something to do with it. Not a nice visual, I know. Today, I don't see a bruise on my butt cheek, but it sure kills. I hope this isn't a omen of the new year to come...

After that, I decided to 'walk it off', and went to check on one of my Geocaches, plus two others owned by a friend out-of-town.

After that... Mailed some thank-you cards. Tried to go to Kaladi but they closed at 4pm!! Picked-up takeout at BearTooth. Developed some film at WallyWorld. Blah blah blah…

I also got an interesting email from a podcasting buddy of mine. The message basically said that they were recording a new show. All of the voicemails they had received on the comment line were shit, and would I please leave a 'good' comment to play on the show. Yikes! First of all, I subscribe to maybe 30 podcasts and listen a lot. I'm only subscribed to the message board on for one show, and rarely comment. I have never left an audio comment to be played on-air. Now I'm supposed to come up with something good because the rest are crap? Um. Talk about pressure?? So first their voicemail system was on the fritz and told me that it was an invalid mailbox. When I finally did get in, I left an okay message but kind of accidentally cut myself off (hung-up) too soon. So I'm sure the ending was sufficiently weird. When I stopped at KBC to try for a coffee, I used the payphone and made a longer message. Kind of off-topic and maybe still not entirely worthy, but better. [sigh]. I haven't heard from the podcaster buddy since. Not sure if that's a good sign or not.

BTW - For those of you who have access to my Flickr account, Check it out! I added more pix today.

Friday, December 30, 2005 21:33 (repost)

Normal 'happy' stuff...

Just so you guys don't think I sit around dreaming up cynical thoughts to blog, I'll give you more of a nuts-n-bolts update.

Just before Xmas, our garbage disposal broke. Today I finally got around to buying and installing a new one. It's the first I've ever installed. Maybe the last too, but I'm proud of myself all the same.


Sometime a few weeks ago, I did a bonehead thing. Left my digital cam on the roof of my car and drove off - never to see that camera again. Today, I did not buy a new camera, but have begun to shop around. Like many of you, Xmas takes it's toll and it'll be awhile before I can afford to buy the replacement. The lost cam was a high-end pocket model for it's time. Bought it in the fall of 02. Minolta F100 4 megapixel. Most of the pix on my profile and Flickr account were taken with it. BTW, if anyone found an F100 in a black semi-hardshell case, please email me! Lol - right! That'll happen.

Anyway, I've been considering stepping up to a full-on digital SLR. Better photo quality. Harder to lug around. Decisions.

Karmically , I'm probably doing okay. I received a free promotional Senseo coffee maker a few weeks back. And apparently, I entered a web contest for a free pair of high-end earbud headphones. Forgot all about it, but got an email. Lucky me.

Hope you all have a great New Years! Smoke a fattie for me, or have a drink. Whatever. Just be save and get the sober sucker to drive.

Friday, December 30, 2005 20:51 (repost)

Individuality in the 21st Century

Have you seen the movie "Garden State"? There's a scene in Natalie Portman's bedroom, where she demonstrates to Zach Braff how she sometimes does these weird impromptu poses and sounds. She explains that it's her way of creating something unique and new in a world where everything has been said, thought, and done. I am paraphrasing.

I have always felt this way. The feeling that I get when I think of a cool idea for an invention - but, on the heels of that, I think "somebody has either invented that or is on the verge of releasing it." Or, for instance, take myspace. I run across a pic in someone's profile. It's an incredible photo! Action overcomes couch potato lethargy. I just have to comment on this! But then? Look down at the comments already in place. Someone, or a few someone's have already said it. Maybe said it better. Hmm. Do I try to top what's been written? Or maybe press on with the original comment I wanted to write? No. I pause for another moment to appreciate the photo for another moment and just back away. Ditto for blog comments.

I think that back in the stone age (maybe the 90's?), it was easier to repress this line of thought. Inventions like myspace and technologies such as podcasting make repression more difficult. Partially because they connect us and confirm what we had feared most. Yep. Someone has already thought of that. Also (staying with the examples of myspace and podcasting) these are more participatory environments. They practically cry for us to respond and reply with our own comments. myspace. MY-space. Hmm.

As for podcasats. How many are there now? 12,000? Opinions are like assholes, as they say. Everybody's got one... But don't get me wrong. Podcasts have some very redeeming characteristics, and there truly are some interesting people out amongst the masses.

Sometime soon, I'll bet, someone will be writing a doctoral thesis on myspace related suicides. And no, I'm not suicidal and this is not some veiled warning. It's just that, once again, I've run across a mind-blowing (or at least really good) blog and an excellent photo or two that screamed for comment. But alas, someone has already said it better.

Saturday, December 24, 2005 (repost)

To my cyberspace buds,

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2005 (repost)

"I'm dreaming..."

Well folks. It looks like it may be a white Christmas in Anchorage, after all. I'm sitting at KBC looking out through the window at big, fluffy snowflakes fall by the light of the orange arc-sodium streetlights.

Thursday, December 22, 2005 (repost)

Great flick!

We pretty much have Xmas shopping nailed at this point, so treated ourselves to dinner/beer/movie at the Beartooth. Dinner was great (shrimp and lime tacos), Beartooth let themselves run out of Pipeline Stout, so it's going to be Jan before we see more. 2nd choice: Prince William Porter.

The movie was Broken Flowers with Bill Murry. I think I'm one of the few who actually liked Lost in Translation; but for my wife's sake, i was hoping that this movie w/b better than 'Lost'. For those who have not seen it, I won't give any spoilers, but it's basically about a late middle-aged man who never grew out of living the playboy bachelor lifestyle and now lives kind of a lonely half life. He gets an anonymous message one day that he has a young adult son. At the behest of his neighbor/friend, he hits the roads of America trying to track down this formerly unknown son. Therein lies the story.

I hope all you you are having a good holiday season. For myself, I'm okay for now and probably won't pendulum-swing to the dark side again before Sunday.

Monday, December 19, 2005 (repost)


Okay. All of you Dark Tower readers out there will understand the significance of the number 19. In a nutshell, it's not a good number. And ever since finishing the DT series the first time, I think I've been plagued by '19' to some extent. Specifically... 19th's of the month just don't seem to be good days for me. Maybe it's psychosomatic, I don't really know.

Today began it classic 19 fashion when I realized that my watch (LL Bean simple dial-type w/date) refused to join this day with me. It was stuck on 3:17 PM on the 18th. Smart watch. And if you have not guessed, the battery died. As I happen to feel naked without a watch on my wrist, I decide to leave it on. I spin it forward to the 19th. I do, after all, use the little date window; and at least the watch can do that little part to earn it's salt today. As an afterthought, I set the hands to 'noon' in case I forget that my batteries have died and try to use it.

I won't go into too much detail about my job, but suffice that it occasionally involves contact with the public. And further suffice to say that said public is not in the best mood today, what with Christmas season, and the general mid-winter malaise around anchorage. (just two more days of shortening daylight then we're on the gaining side again!). In short, the public had an attitude on this particular 19th. Okay, I will confess that though I do have a desk... i have been catering to 'joe public' for the month of December. This has contributed to my prior blogs about the holiday blues.

Is there an upside to today's blog? Yes.

First: the sunrise was fucking spectacular! Did any of you see it today?

Second: lunch was good. I did a bit of last-minute, finishing-touch xmas shopping. picked up a build-your-own-robot-kit for Mrs Somewhere. Don't laugh, she's a computer hardware geek and loves this kind of thing. Really.

I also had a great meal at Souper Bowl in the 5th Ave mall. Dumpling soup and halibut roll.

Oh, and I had my watch battery replaced at the jewelry repair place on the 3rd floor. If you guys want a good tip, get your battery replaced there. It's about $19 (huh 19), and you get free replacements on that battery for the life of the watch.

Third: no third. This is still a 19th.

After work I stopped for T-bell to go from the Tudor/Lake Otis (actually Folker St) location. This was a mistake. They must have a new crew or something, because the last three orders have been screwed up. This location used to be so good! Mental note: switch to Muldoon T-Bell for now. I ordered a grilled-stuffed steak burrito minus cheese and baja, and add guac. When I got home, it didn't have steak, but the kind of ground dogfood-meat used on nachos. And, oh yeah, no guacamole. Do you think they charged me? Sure. Am I going to drive 4mi each way back to fix it? Hell no.


Epilogue. I'm enjoying a nice Midnight Sun beer (Mammoth) and relaxing w/my powerbook. I've got a few new myspace friends - shoutout guys! It's stupid, I know, but I LOVE seeing new myspace friends or messages. It's only been 7 weeks now, but I've got it bad. I'm a myspace addict.

Well, Happy 19th of December everybody. Let's do it again in a month.

Saturday, December 17, 2005 (repost)

Post office

God bless the person who invented self-serve postal machines. There were only 6 people in line for the post offices version of U-Scan; and about 100 in the 'normal' line. We mailed our box and back on the icy slick Anchorage roads in no time. Home again.

dot dot dot

More on my holiday preparations. Sortie number one today was with my wife - Xmas shopping. Sortie two was some shopping FOR said wife, and also putting up some flyers for a myspace friend who has a podcast. I can pretty much guarantee a third sortie for the day. This one will be a perennial favorite for any Anchorageite. The obligatory trip to the big airport post office to ship holiday gifts outside. Oh, I can hardly wait. The snaking, impossibly long s-curved line of people. The dirty snowmelt-wet floor. The coughs and sneezes of my fellow citizens. And if I'm real lucky, the periodic waft of cigarette smoke and car exhaust when my section of the line passes the entry way (no fewer than two times... I guarantee it). Yep. I won't have the opportunity for this much fun until tax deadline day. On the upside... I have my trusty 5G black ipod, Raven (don't laugh! It's the biggest ipod, it's black, and it's smarter than the average bird).

And now, if you'll excuse me, I have some gifts to wrap and podcasts to download

Friday, December 16, 2005 (repost)

Bah Fucking Humbug

8Pm yesterday. Wife and daughter out shopping or whatever. House is empty. Xmas tree is on (timer). I turn off tree. Plunk on the bed and try to watch TV. Sitcoms and reality TV. No good. Turn off volume - better. Fall asleep with me clothes on ...222am today: wake up. TV is off and wife is next to me. Change, and back to sleep. Today at work is the Xmas potluck. I brought pie. Decided instead to have a sandwich and Americano (not to mention free wifi) at the Library coffee shop. I will somehow get back to the right emotional 'space' in time for the actual holiday; I always do. Currently, though, my rollercoaster is in a trough.

You see, I've got a teenage daughter who says she doesn't want anything for Christmas. A Mom who just bought herself one of the items I have been scouring the city to find (Into the West, box DVD set), and I have yet to buy anything for Mrs SomewhereinAK. It's not the money, really. And not exactly procrastination. Just this umbrella of darkness that seems to be hovering over me. On the weekdays, I'm just too beat to shop. Last weekend, we didn't have a good game plan, so didn't get much done. The out-of-town relatives mainly.

Years ago, I used to be real bad about waiting until the last minute for Xmas shopping, but that was mostly financial. Back before credit cards. Sooo, it's hit the stores again this weekend to slam-dunk this bitch.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 (repost)

Apple User's Group meeting

Hey everybody.

It's the end of what started out as a shitty day (like Monday all over again). But I had a great lunch, and an excellent time at this month's Mac club meeting. There was a presentation on podcasting (what it is, how to subscribe, how to 'cast), and I got to meet a couple of Anchorage podcasters in person.

Now it's getting late. i'm home and tired. Had a decaf Senseo mocha just now ... my stomach is telling me that was a mistake. Hmm.

Later guys.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 (repost)

Quote I heard today

I ran across this quote,but it's too long to use as my myspace profle quote. ...

"There are 2 kinds of expert; Those that don't know and those that don't know they don't know"

Looking at my current avatar pic, I wonder which I am?...

Monday, December 12, 2005 (repost)

Hello world.

Okay, since I see through the stats that people are actually reading this stuff... I'll update you on my 'holiday' preparations and the current state of my demeanor.

Sunday, we got a bit (emphasis on 'bit') more shopping done. We mailed off 95% of the cards. We caught a matinee of Aeon Flux. Without going into too much about the movie, suffice to say that it would definitely be worth the price of a rental or BearTooth admission. I'll say no more.

Today at work was the Monday from hell Think Office Space, here. Gods! I have to work thorough four more days before the next weekend!! On the up-side... the Anchorage Mac user's group monthly meeting is this Wednesday, and one of the speakers is presenting on something near my heart... podcasting.

My holiday blues have ebbed for now, but it’s a rollercoaster ride this time of year. That's all for now.

Saturday, December 10, 2005 - later (repost)

Holiday blues...

Did some shopping today with mixed success, and got some Xmas cards written.

I'm feeling a touch of holiday depression setting in...

... maybe I'll feel better after a good night's sleep.

Saturday, December 10, 2005 (repost)

Combat Xmas

Ok. This is it. I haven't done anything. ANYTHING to prepare for Christmas yet. I used to be this bad (or worse), but not the last few years.

So... last night my wife and I put up the tree - 21st century style. An American friend of ours teaching in Japan was iChat video conf'd in for the tree assembly and decorating. I figured he might be homesick this time of year, so this was a way to get him involved. No bandwidth limits on ACS account, so we just kept the feed open and piped-through x-mas music. He would direct the occasional ornament placement. So the tree's done. That's one down.

Today, we hit the streets of Anchorage for some combat shopping. Tonight or tomorrow, we'll send out cards.

BTW, if any of you know how we can video chat between our Mac/iSight and family members outside who are PC users, post a reply!. Can AIM do video chat with audio?
(For those of you myspace friends who are not in AK, 'outside.' is AK-speak for out of Alaska. Usually referring to the lower-48 states).

Happy Holidays guys!

Thursday, December 08, 2005 (repost)

I am the laziest blogger on the planet.

Current song: All About Me, Me, and Me. by Imani. Also listening to some Regina, but this song title is more appropriate, don't you think?

I notice that, although I'm new here... I haven't posted anything since Pumpkin Day. Half of this could be explained by pure laziness on my part. The rest, I would have to attribute to my perpetual, and perhaps pestering, daily emails to a dear friend. In other words, I have been blogging to an audience of one, since the info is 'off my chest' I no longer feel the need to put it down here.

As for this account blog. We'll call this an experiment and see where it goes. I've been reading some of your blogs and although I don't typically chime-in with replies, I have read some deeply moving stuff. I couldn’t hope to compete, but I guess that's not what blogging is all about, right?

Okay. So to start with, I've been introduced to two new worlds this year. At this point, they're growing in my life. Consuming more of my time, thoughts, and energy. They are Podcasting and social networks. God help me if I get started on Second Life. I'll probably stop shaving and going to work. I learned about myspace from a podcast, and am meeting many of my favorite podcasters through myspace. The two seem to be feeding off of each other. I'll assume that if you're savvy enough to be here, that you probably know all about podcasts. I've been listening to shows since I got my first iPod in April and have recently considered doing a show myself. I haven't decided; and the reasons would make a good blog entry by themselves. In short, they would be: Am I passionate enough about any topic to make a podcast interesting. And, could I be honest enough - true enough to my listeners. Not to mention any repercussions were my employer to happen upon my show. That last is a concern regarding this blog too. And for now, if I keep my blog entries limited to you friends only, I should be relatively safe to speak my mind.

I've gotten some emails asking about Alaska and life here, and would be happy to discuss it in future blog entries. I'm also something of a Dark Tower junkie, so you King freaks out there, chime in. In fact the DT series would be a decent candidate for a podcast. I'm also into Macs, and blah,blah,blah (look to the left and you can read my interests). Somebody slap me if I go off the track again. Also, I might just use this a diary for you guys to read. My boring day-to-day shit like: Woke up, scratched ass, had coffee, showered... I'm sure that would be a REAL hit. And, I'll warn you up front to expect spelling, and grammatical errors.

Well, I'm feeling blogged out for now. I'll try to keep this more regular than I have.


Monday, October 31, 2005 (repost)

If you're wondering. The Browning poem is what inspired Stephen King's Dark Tower series.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Sunday, October 30, 2005 Republished from my old blog... more 'back-posts' to follow.

My first thought was, he lied in every word...

Robert Browning

1 My first thought was, he lied in every word,
2 That hoary cripple, with malicious eye
3 Askance to watch the working of his lie
4 On mine, and mouth scarce able to afford
5 Suppression of the glee that pursed and scored
6 Its edge, at one more victim gained thereby.

7 What else should he be set for, with his staff?
8 What, save to waylay with his lies, ensnare
9 All travellers who might find him posted there,
10 And ask the road? I guessed what skull-like laugh
11 Would break, what crutch 'gin write my epitaph
12 For pastime in the dusty thoroughfare,

13 If at his counsel I should turn aside
14 Into that ominous tract which, all agree,
15 Hides the Dark Tower. Yet acquiescingly
16 I did turn as he pointed: neither pride
17 Nor hope rekindling at the end descried,
18 So much as gladness that some end might be.

19 For, what with my whole world-wide wandering,
20 What with my search drawn out thro' years, my hope
21 Dwindled into a ghost not fit to cope
22 With that obstreperous joy success would bring,
23 I hardly tried now to rebuke the spring
24 My heart made, finding failure in its scope.

25 As when a sick man very near to death
26 Seems dead indeed, and feels begin and end
27 The tears and takes the farewell of each friend,
28 And hears one bid the other go, draw breath
29 Freelier outside ("since all is o'er," he saith,
30 "And the blow fallen no grieving can amend";)

31 While some discuss if near the other graves
32 Be room enough for this, and when a day
33 Suits best for carrying the corpse away,
34 With care about the banners, scarves and staves:
35 And still the man hears all, and only craves
36 He may not shame such tender love and stay.

37 Thus, I had so long suffered in this quest,
38 Heard failure prophesied so oft, been writ
39 So many times among "The Band"--to wit,
40 The knights who to the Dark Tower's search addressed
41 Their steps--that just to fail as they, seemed best,
42 And all the doubt was now--should I be fit?

43 So, quiet as despair, I turned from him,
44 That hateful cripple, out of his highway
45 Into the path he pointed. All the day
46 Had been a dreary one at best, and dim
47 Was settling to its close, yet shot one grim
48 Red leer to see the plain catch its estray.

49 For mark! no sooner was I fairly found
50 Pledged to the plain, after a pace or two,
51 Than, pausing to throw backward a last view
52 O'er the safe road, 'twas gone; grey plain all round:
53 Nothing but plain to the horizon's bound.
54 I might go on; nought else remained to do.

55 So, on I went. I think I never saw
56 Such starved ignoble nature; nothing throve:
57 For flowers--as well expect a cedar grove!
58 But cockle, spurge, according to their law
59 Might propagate their kind, with none to awe,
60 You'd think; a burr had been a treasure-trove.

61 No! penury, inertness and grimace,
62 In some strange sort, were the land's portion. "See
63 Or shut your eyes," said Nature peevishly,
64 "It nothing skills: I cannot help my case:
65 'Tis the Last Judgment's fire must cure this place,
66 Calcine its clods and set my prisoners free."

67 If there pushed any ragged thistle-stalk
68 Above its mates, the head was chopped; the bents
69 Were jealous else. What made those holes and rents
70 In the dock's harsh swarth leaves, bruised as to baulk
71 All hope of greenness? 'tis a brute must walk
72 Pashing their life out, with a brute's intents.

73 As for the grass, it grew as scant as hair
74 In leprosy; thin dry blades pricked the mud
75 Which underneath looked kneaded up with blood.
76 One stiff blind horse, his every bone a-stare,
77 Stood stupefied, however he came there:
78 Thrust out past service from the devil's stud!

79 Alive? he might be dead for aught I know,
80 With that red gaunt and colloped neck a-strain,
81 And shut eyes underneath the rusty mane;
82 Seldom went such grotesqueness with such woe;
83 I never saw a brute I hated so;
84 He must be wicked to deserve such pain.

85 I shut my eyes and turned them on my heart.
86 As a man calls for wine before he fights,
87 I asked one draught of earlier, happier sights,
88 Ere fitly I could hope to play my part.
89 Think first, fight afterwards--the soldier's art:
90 One taste of the old time sets all to rights.

91 Not it! I fancied Cuthbert's reddening face
92 Beneath its garniture of curly gold,
93 Dear fellow, till I almost felt him fold
94 An arm in mine to fix me to the place
95 That way he used. Alas, one night's disgrace!
96 Out went my heart's new fire and left it cold.

97 Giles then, the soul of honour--there he stands
98 Frank as ten years ago when knighted first.
99 What honest men should dare (he said) he durst.
100 Good--but the scene shifts--faugh! what hangman hands
101 In to his breast a parchment? His own bands
102 Read it. Poor traitor, spit upon and curst!

103 Better this present than a past like that;
104 Back therefore to my darkening path again!
105 No sound, no sight as far as eye could strain.
106 Will the night send a howlet or a bat?
107 I asked: when something on the dismal flat
108 Came to arrest my thoughts and change their train.

109 A sudden little river crossed my path
110 As unexpected as a serpent comes.
111 No sluggish tide congenial to the glooms;
112 This, as it frothed by, might have been a bath
113 For the fiend's glowing hoof--to see the wrath
114 Of its black eddy bespate with flakes and spumes.

115 So petty yet so spiteful! All along
116 Low scrubby alders kneeled down over it;
117 Drenched willows flung them headlong in a fit
118 Of mute despair, a suicidal throng:
119 The river which had done them all the wrong,
120 Whate'er that was, rolled by, deterred no whit.

121 Which, while I forded,--good saints, how I feared
122 To set my foot upon a dead man's cheek,
123 Each step, or feel the spear I thrust to seek
124 For hollows, tangled in his hair or beard!
125 --It may have been a water-rat I speared,
126 But, ugh! it sounded like a baby's shriek.

127 Glad was I when I reached the other bank.
128 Now for a better country. Vain presage!
129 Who were the strugglers, what war did they wage,
130 Whose savage trample thus could pad the dank
131 Soil to a plash? Toads in a poisoned tank,
132 Or wild cats in a red-hot iron cage--

133 The fight must so have seemed in that fell cirque.
134 What penned them there, with all the plain to choose?
135 No foot-print leading to that horrid mews,
136 None out of it. Mad brewage set to work
137 Their brains, no doubt, like galley-slaves the Turk
138 Pits for his pastime, Christians against Jews.

139 And more than that--a furlong on--why, there!
140 What bad use was that engine for, that wheel,
141 Or brake, not wheel--that harrow fit to reel
142 Men's bodies out like silk? with all the air
143 Of Tophet's tool, on earth left unaware,
144 Or brought to sharpen its rusty teeth of steel.

145 Then came a bit of stubbed ground, once a wood,
146 Next a marsh, it would seem, and now mere earth
147 Desperate and done with; (so a fool finds mirth,
148 Makes a thing and then mars it, till his mood
149 Changes and off he goes!) within a rood--
150 Bog, clay and rubble, sand and stark black dearth.

151 Now blotches rankling, coloured gay and grim,
152 Now patches where some leanness of the soil's
153 Broke into moss or substances like boils;
154 Then came some palsied oak, a cleft in him
155 Like a distorted mouth that splits its rim
156 Gaping at death, and dies while it recoils.

157 And just as far as ever from the end!
158 Nought in the distance but the evening, nought
159 To point my footstep further! At the thought,
160 A great black bird, Apollyon's bosom-friend,
161 Sailed past, nor beat his wide wing dragon-penned
162 That brushed my cap--perchance the guide I sought.

163 For, looking up, aware I somehow grew,
164 'Spite of the dusk, the plain had given place
165 All round to mountains--with such name to grace
166 Mere ugly heights and heaps now stolen in view.
167 How thus they had surprised me,--solve it, you!
168 How to get from them was no clearer case.

169 Yet half I seemed to recognise some trick
170 Of mischief happened to me, God knows when--
171 In a bad dream perhaps. Here ended, then,
172 Progress this way. When, in the very nick
173 Of giving up, one time more, came a click
174 As when a trap shuts--you're inside the den!

175 Burningly it came on me all at once,
176 This was the place! those two hills on the right,
177 Crouched like two bulls locked horn in horn in fight;
178 While to the left, a tall scalped mountain . . . Dunce,
179 Dotard, a-dozing at the very nonce,
180 After a life spent training for the sight!

181 What in the midst lay but the Tower itself?
182 The round squat turret, blind as the fool's heart
183 Built of brown stone, without a counterpart
184 In the whole world. The tempest's mocking elf
185 Points to the shipman thus the unseen shelf
186 He strikes on, only when the timbers start.

187 Not see? because of night perhaps?--why, day
188 Came back again for that! before it left,
189 The dying sunset kindled through a cleft:
190 The hills, like giants at a hunting, lay
191 Chin upon hand, to see the game at bay,--
192 "Now stab and end the creature--to the heft!"

193 Not hear? when noise was everywhere! it tolled
194 Increasing like a bell. Names in my ears
195 Of all the lost adventurers my peers,--
196 How such a one was strong, and such was bold,
197 And such was fortunate, yet each of old
198 Lost, lost! one moment knelled the woe of years.

199 There they stood, ranged along the hillsides, met
200 To view the last of me, a living frame
201 For one more picture! in a sheet of flame
202 I saw them and I knew them all. And yet
203 Dauntless the slug-horn to my lips I set,
204 And blew. "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came."

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Drifting in Alaska

I'll have to sit down and decide what to use this space for. I think it's going to be much like my myspace blog. A catch-all of whatever I feel like writing for today. Part journal and part commentary. But for now, this opening paragraph will serve as a placeholder.

Stay tuned!
