Friday, March 17, 2006

Thursday, March 02, 2006 (repost)

I haven't blogged for a couple (few?) days, which is unlike me. It's been an up and down week some of which was to do with me and some with external factors - I'm not going into either now.

But I did pop in to say that my friends have been an ever constant blessing. Can I say blessing if I'm not particularly religious? Sure - fuck it. You guys are a blessing.

And my wife is a sweetie. I have two examples. First, those of you who know my interest in hobbyist photography have heard me piss and moan about the loss of my trusty digi in December (my fault, yeah yeah). I've been making do without, all the while dreaming of stepping up to a DSLR. The money's not there for that yet. BUT... she did get a bit of money as a reimbursement for her portion of some funeral costs for her mom that she and most of her other sisters had chipped in on. It didn't come to much cost each, but with her reimbursement she replaced her dead external HD and... bought me a new digi! Not the DSLR, but a nice point n shoot which, even with the bigger cam, would have it's uses as an 'always at hand' cam. I've been learning it's quirks this week and pestering some of you with un-asked for photo-emails. Sorry and thanks for putting up with my shit. The 2nd bit of sweetness from her was this... and by the way, this story will stick with me long after the digi has gone to whatever heaven awaits consumer electronics. So anyway. We've been whittling down a bag of Oreos this week (YES, that's what we do in AK in the wintertime - we EAT). So, Tuesday night we are down to four Oreos. We're in the kitchen and split them 2 each and go our separate ways. I unscrew my two. Eat the 'cream' half first and the plain 2nd. Go back to my living room chair and my laptop. Think nothing else of it. I'm I.M'ing along and Jul sidles up with a hand behind her back and a grin on her face. The hand comes out and she offers me THE LAST OREO COOKIE IN THE HOUSE. Wow. I love that woman.

So to review:
• half shitty week
• the best friends in the world
• new digi to get me by for now
• being offered the last oreo. true love in the 21st century.

Bye for now.


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