Friday, March 17, 2006

Wednesday, February 15, 2006 (repost)

Taking another sick day today.

As a few of you know, I'm a shut-in for the day today (again). Same prob. as last week basically. So... I made myself a list of low-impact activities to keep me busy like:

•Catch-up on Podcasts. (haven't started this one yet)

•Re-rate my iTunes song collection and add song lyrics to files (did a lot of this today... my star-ratings went bye bye when I had upgraded my system and reinstalled itines).

•Weed out my iTunes collection. As in getting rid of stuff that I rarely listen to. (not done . I'm waiting until I can see all my 'one star' songs)

•Pay online bills. (mostly done)

•Read Digital photog how-to book. (also haven't done this yet today, but I did grab the book and that's somthing!)

•Chat w/Josh. (nope)

•Clear out company email In Box (waiting until the end of the business day for this)

•Chat with myspace buddies (yep. lotsa)

So to recap. While I've been home sick today, I've basically listened to music, surfed, and slept. Puntuated with intermittant myspace emailing. :)


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