Saturday, May 06, 2006

Summer is on the radar

Is it a sign of depression when I go most of a week without posting? Ha! Maybe. It’s been a long winter and my batteries are in need of a summer recharge.

Anyway. In most ways it's been quite an average week for me. At work, we're entering the busy season. Combine that with the fact that quite a few people were out sick an a couple were starting vacations, means that it was a BUSY work week. That's okay - I have nothing against working my ass off. And by all rights, this should have made the week fly by. I think that the only reason it didn't was because I had been out sick at least a day or two out of the past several weeks; so I'm not used to working 5 days in a row! And as I had previously stated, the board election went favorably so the prospect of being unemployed by fall is no longer looming.

In other corners of my life... I'm more-or-less on course with my new dietary choices. I do slip a bit sometimes, but the line is drawn firmly at BEEF and DAIRY. I'll get back on the health food recommendations soon. Promise. I know somebody out there likes 'em, you should see my blog stats. So let's see... what else. Summer is looming. My daughter's birthday is almost on top of us and we still need to shop. She, of course, 'doesn't want anything,' which makes it all the harder. And my (favorite) sister-in-law is coming to AK for a visit. The only bad timing is that her flight arrives on kiddo's B-day. I'm sure my daughter will be happy to see her aunt, but I don't like the event of her arrival upstaging any birthday limelight. Probably a non-issue since my teen says she doesn't want to celebrate. I will also be on vacation for the last two weeks of may to act as tour guide/ chauffer during sis-n-law's stay. Actually 'activity director' would be closer to it. She grew up in Eagle River and hardly needs a tour. At the conclusion of her trip, my wife is following her down to Oregon to help her settle into her newly built house; and to get a bit more vacation time. I will play Mr. Mom to my daughter for a week or two. After THAT, my daughter (unknown to her at this time) may also be invited down to sis-n-laws for a month. She and her mom have been head-butting lately and the offer is meant to offer a breather for both of them. Luckily, my daughter doesn't read my blogs. And finally, I'm looking forward to a week off for July 4th weekend in beautiful Seward, AK. I plan to camp it and partake in all that Seward has to offer. No, I am not running the Mt. Marathon race! lol.

That's my summer calendar in a snapshot. I need to get off my lazy winter ass and do some hiking, biking, and (according to two friends) geocashing.


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