Sunday, April 30, 2006

And the rest of my weekend...

After that long Friday post, I'll give you the short version of the rest of my weekend.

Sat: Shopping, Taxi for daughter, A nice walk in the sunshine at Kindaid Park, A break at KBC for coffee and internets (bonus: remember the friends in the valley on Friday? They popped into KBC by chance). More taxi service. Home.

Sun: Gave myself a haircut so short that it's almost cue-ball. Ran some errands in the AM. Pulled the studs from my wife's beater car so we don't have to switch them out. Who knows? maybe the car won't make it to the fall! I can only hope. Later, I did some bookstore hopping. B&N. TitleWave. Listened to almost 4 hours of podcasts throughout the day. I needed to get caught up. Picked up dinner. Holy shit, they finally (almost) have the edition done on Mooses Tooth! The noise and people-density was already lower when I picked up our salads.

Vegan tip: Soy might be bad for us all. I'm reading up. I also tried my first rice-milk mocha. The jury is out on weather I like them. Or weather I can convince myself that I do.

Quirky quote of the day: "If you can't take time out from the 'etc... etc...' of life for the occasional 'LOL', what's the point!"


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