Friday, April 14, 2006

More Dreams

Yes, it is Friday and I'm going in to work today. Feeling much better - at least for the moment. Maybe I can actually have a weekend this time?

I'm not planning to blog about my dreams on a daily basis; and I ususally don't remember them anyway. But this morning, all I remember of my dream was that I had managed to get small fishhooks stuck in both a finger and my left foot. In my dream I was hopping over to my backpack (the one I use as a 'man purse' every day) to dig out my leatherman. I actually dreampt snipping the hook end and backing the fishhooks out. The foot hook was just curved in a little, but the finger (left hand pinkie, which made it hard because I'm left-handed and had to use the leatherman with my right) hook was all the way through my finger! A little blood. Guess I dream in color. Huh. Funny. This morning, that finger has a persistant little itch in that same spot! Phantom pain from a dream?!


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