Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Inside out and wrong way 'round

I just wanted to share some random thoughts out loud. For instance, when I'm putting in earbuds, and fumbling for the one marked 'L', why do I always seem to get the 'R' bud first? You'd think that it would at least be a 50/50 split. Same goes for this: when I'm fumbling for a t-shirt to put on in the morning (I'm talking about when it's still dark and I'm just getting up. Not 'after shower' dressing) why do I, more often than not, notice that I'm about to put it on backwards! True, that most of my T's have printed labels and not sewn-in tags. Maybe this contributes to my inability to put a shirt on the right way the first time. On the other hand, maybe I'm a fucktard.

Since this is a 'nothing' catch-all blog, I'll update you on my gut health. Yeah, I know - I know. You're all probably reading this, saying 'Okay! We get it; you don't know how to put on t-shirts or headphones... but when are you going to delight us with your medical problems!? That's what we want to really hear about! Right. lol. So today I'm feeling pretty good. Yesterday's adventures in solid food didn't seem to have any ill effects (like extreme pain as the food moves past the infected spot). And so food was on the menu again today. I packed the powerbook, so I read, chatted, and generally played through my lunch hour at a cafe having free wi-fi. I also managed to squeak-in a quick stop at Title Wave to look for a particular book (no luck).

Now my butt has been reunited with my office chair for the second half of my work day. Joy! (not really). So this concludes one of my most lopsided, disorganized blog posts to date. Hope you enjoyed it.

What? You want more? Hmm. Okay - here's this: You all know that I like to listen to podcasts. One of the most famous of which is the Dawn and Drew Show. At the end of each show, they play listener voicemail messages; and they're usually a hoot. For awhile, DnD had a running theme in which listeners would call in to confess their 'dirty little secret'. In fact, even though it's been months, you still occasionally hear one slip in. I have never left DnD a voicemail; but for you dear readers, here is a little secret about me!

Ready? ... okay shhhh (keep it on the DL)

I like to wear my underwear inside out in order to keep the tag from scratching my back!

Maybe I should call that one in. Whadda think? For you newer readers, I would encourage you to look back through my blog archives for a post entitled 'TMwayI', 'cause this has been a good example of it.

Remember - Shhhhhh.

Note to my Blogger readers - I wrote this post in the early afternoon. By late afternoon/early evening there do seem to be some 'ill effects' from my solid food. Namely cramps. But it's nothing that I can't handle and an Advil dulled it down a bit. I've been through all this before, and had worse. And hey! Look on the bright side; at least my underwear tag isn't itching!


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