Thursday, April 06, 2006

I can't stand it anymore!!

I should preface this for my non-Alaskan readers but saying that springtime in AK can be a dirty ditry place to drive. With that...

I can't remember for certain. But I think the last time I had washed my car was when my sister was visiting in June! In any case, there was a whole fall and winter's worth of packed-on dirt. So much so that there was no way a car wash would ever get it all off. So last night, I put the ear-buds in, chose some good music and washed the car in my (snowless) driveway.

It took the use of a scrub brush in places to get down to actual paint! I've got a cheap little car and don't really care about preserving the finish, so at least I didn't have that to worry about. And, yes, I know that with the roads being what they are, that I can't expect the nice wash-job to last for long. It was funny though. Last night I made a Freddies run and chose to drive my neighborhood's residential streets to get there. Weaving all the while like a drunk trying to keep the car tracking in the 'dry'. I managed to make it home last night with a perfectly clean car!

And this morning awoke to?.... SNOW. I think it ties-in to the Murphy's Law thing about how it always rains if you wash your car. But the snow was actually a good thing (since I have studs yet). No road spray on the way to work and the car is STILL clean! I fully expect to lose the clean car status on the lunch hour - there's no way around it except staying at work and fasting - which I won't do for a Kia. (see for example of 'dirty' Kia)


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