Saturday, April 01, 2006

It's been a trying week.

Since it has been a few days since I've given you all an update, I'll bring you up to speed. It's been a bit over a week now with this flu and I am almost over it. 'Solid food' is back on the menu, as is coffee. My god, it has been a long week without coffee. lol. And it has been a trying week in the parenting department. But in the scheme of things, I really don't have anything to complain about. I spent most of the week at home (went to work yesterday) and spend a lot of time online with myspace and other friends. One of them is having a harder week then I - and I really need to keep that into perspective when I start bitching about little stuff like my flu. I've tried to be there for that friend (albeit only online); and throughout my week a few friends have been there for me too.

Oh, and a quick update about the photo contest at work. The deadline was yesterday. I lost a week of good shooting time so turned in (via email) what I had to give. Wish me luck!


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