Sunday, April 09, 2006

Diverticulitis (update)

Friday I went to work with kind of a general stomach cramp. It got worse through the morning, so I took off at 10am for the day. Stayed at home stretched out in bed. Yesterday, the pain had changed to an all too familiar spot in my abdomen. It looks like i've got diverticulitis again. First time was over 3 years ago. The pain got bad enough last night that I was giving serious consideration to the ER. I decided to sleep on it. It's still here today, but manageable with Advil. I'm going to have to call-in tomorrow and see the doctor. Get ready for tests. Ugh. But last time, my regular MD gave me Cipro 1000 mg for a week. It knocked it out, but when the Rx was one week gone, the pain crept back. I went to a gastroenterologist who gave me an antibiotic more targeted to what I had. That one knocked it out for good.

So, I'm sitting here knowing that this thing is probably getting worse. Knowing that I need meds, but can't get to the friggin doctor until Monday! Unless I want to spend 4 hours waiting in the ER. Unless I really have to, I won't go that route.

I had the flu a couple weeks ago - now followed by this. It seems that 3 years back, the last time, I also had a little 'pre-something' before being hit by this. Hmm.


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