Thursday, May 10, 2007


Woe is me. My Canon 30D - my constant companion these past nine months - has taken ill. I packed it up and sent it on a trip to Canon's service center in California. The issue is a minor one (for now). One of the two metal tabs that the fabric shoulder strap attaches to has come loose. I did some research online and learned that the part is attached internally by two small screws. However, It's a major operation to GET to those screws. The entire top of the camera has to come off, in a multi-step process. I hope they don't fuck something up in the process; and I hope they don't take forever getting my baby back to me. I've read some horror stories on the latter issue.

So. Welcome to my intermission. My wife has graciously allowed me the use of her pocket Olympus digital, and a coworker my have a DSLR to lend. The concept of owning TWO camera bodies - of having a backup - is becoming clear.

In the meantime, I still have plenty of 30D shots to dole out on Flickr, and I have other work that needs doing. I have migrated from iPhoto to Adobe LightRoom and none of my photo library keyword tags made the trip. I need to hand tag almost 20,000 photos. Don't worry, I've already started, so it's more like 15,000 that still need tagging. I also need to get my ass in gear on printing and framing for my early fall show at Kaladi Coffee. Yikes.

I'll keep you posted. I shipped the camera Monday night and it arrived at Canon this morning. The clock has started.


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