Sunday, February 11, 2007

What I have to show for it...

9 Days.

25 Meals.

301 Photos.

1 Night out.

2 New friends.

70 Hours of sleep.

16 Coffee shop visits.

427 Miles driven around town.

2 Days taking care of a sick spouse.

Monday, February 05, 2007

One Week Off

I'm taking a week off. No trips planned (and no money for one even if I wanted). Instead, it'll just be a nice break from work. I'll hang out at Kaladi Coffee. Maybe do some photography. In fact, I got a good start on it yesterday when my wife and I drove the coast instead of watching the Big Game (see my post from one year ago for my opinion of the Super Bowl).

So we'll see what the week brings. I have no real agenda and therefore no pressure.