Sunday, May 28, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend

Hi there. It's been an interesting week of lows and ... not so lows. (note the absence of the work 'highs'). Jul's sister came up for a visit last week. When she left, Jul went with her for a two week Oregon vacation of her own. This leaves me with a teen daughter that happens to be going through a rough patch lately. So I have been riding an emotional rollercoaster as well. Stretched pretty thin, to tell you the truth. In between all this, I did a short 3 day work week before having another 5-day string of days 'off'. Memorial Day Weekend. Due to circumstances that have only to do with me and my family, I have been in the purgatory of Anchorage this weekend, instead of going out of town to camp, drink, play, and be merry. And to top it off, the best digital cam in the family is in Oregon, and I am just not motivated to go out and shoot. I do find it amusing that my mind insists on pointing out one excellent shot after another while my cam is on holiday. Take this evening for instance. And I am not talking about the smoke from Point Mackenzie. The air in my neighborhood has been clear all day. So this evening, I decided to take a walk to Carrs for a few grocs. I take all the good neighborhood shortcuts too. Through the elementary schoolyard. Through the winding dirt path in the birch forest adjacent to the school. Nice shot. It pop's me out behind Carrs. A cinderblock brick wall painted brown many many times over. A loading dock door. Two 'people' doors cryptically labeled Unit A and Unit B. They share a fire escape-like staircase that has been allowed to rust and was definitely NOT painted on the same schedule as the brick wall behind it. Grungy. Nice shot.

Whatever. Boo hoo for me, right? :)

On the upside, I did get a lot done today. Did two loads of laundry. I got the lawnmower started after a long winter outside, and mowed the lawn for the first time in 06. I gassed-up the car. Washed it in the driveway. Got caught up on some podcasts at the same time. Then, i went shopping for some shorts and T's. Oh, and picked up a new cell phone. Basically, I managed to fill the day. And joy! The weekend is only half over!

Oh, and I tried my first Bloody Mary. Don't think I liked it.

Currently, other than writing this, I'm working on my Flickr page. It seems that my viewers have a taste for Macintosh and iPod photography. No likee the Alakanana? Okay. Give the people what they want. More Mac stuff.

Okay. I'm out for now.


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